
Friday, August 22, 2014

Joana Gama & Luis Fernandes: Quest

Joana Gama (piano)
Luis Fernandes (electronics)
Quest (Shhpuma/Clean Feed; 2014)

There's a passion and beautiful that emanates from this recording that made me feel like I was listening to a mixture of Mitsuko Uchida, Harold Budd and Christian Fennesz. Quest, the stunning debut from Joana Gama and Luis Fernandes is holds elements of experiementalism as well as classical introspection.

The duo present a series of quiet yet evocative soundscapes that are both a backdrop and a window into along a beautiful journey. "Dream" (written by John Cage) is errielly performed to perfection by Gama. The addition of Fernandes atmospherics heading into the middle passages gives the piece a more transcendent feel than even the original piece.

"Twisted Moments" and "Quest" give the listener a different perspective on the duo. Both provide haunting elements of electronics with subtle melodic tones from Gama. "Twisted Moments" with it's killer bee swarm of effects is dazzling and probably shouldn't be listened to outside if you are afraid of the little black and yellow flying creatures.

While "Quest" includes all sorts of found sounds and plucking inside the piano. A creative piece that undulates in various directions all the while keeping very focus on providing a linear emotional experience.

Quest is a solid debut from Gama and Fernandes. Both experimental and traditional with a real sense of adventure and solace that is more than just ambient sounds. I really hope they do another record together very soon. Highly Recommended.

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