
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

David S. Ware: Pushing Jazz Forward

David S. Ware (Saxophone; b. 1949)

I have been a massive fan of David S. Ware for years. He has truly picked up the mantle left by John Coltrane's spiritual recordings such as OM, Crescent, and Ascension to name a few.

David S. Ware is an acquired taste. His recordings are melodic, atmospheric, highly inventive and yet still rhythmic. For the uninitiated I would suggest a nice bottle of wine and a night to let your mind be adventurous - you won't be disappointed.

David S. Ware doesn't tour very often in the U.S. but he is worth checking out if you want something that is completely different, and he just might blow your mind.

If you are interested, one good starting point would be Balladware (Thirsty Ear) which takes a conservative approach but does showcase some avant garde tendencies. At the point where you really want to expand your horizons, David S. Ware would be my one of top choices.
Here's an audio clip from the live album Live In The World (Thirsty Ear) entitled "Mikuro's Blues".

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